Priorities for living

Home at last ... it is great to be back with my family and at my school in the evenings once again. My schedule between now and the end of January is pretty low-key and relaxed - a time to re-charge and regroup before 2007 gets too far underway.

Different people have different priorities, and those priorities will change as the circumstances of their lives change. One thing becomes clear to most everyone at some point - the more fortunate realise it sooner rather than later - and that is the understanding that 'time' is more valuable than money. Time to spend with friends and loved ones, time for ourselves, time to re-create, time to fulfill our personal needs.

My father gave me much great and sage advice whikst he was still alive - and one piece that seems more and more relevant to me is this:

I have known quite a few people who have worked themselves to the point where they had no time to spend doing the things they really wanted to do. They put those things off, citing that they would do them one day 'when they had the time'. The sad thing is, that day never came for these people I knew, because through one circumstance or another, their lives came to an early end. To me, this is profoundly sad.

We all need to work, we need to plan for tomorrow, we need to set ourselves up financially so that we have more options available to us as the future becomes the present; but for me at least, NEVER, at the expense of putting off LIVING TODAY.

Live well - live fully - live in the moment - treasure your close friendships, love your family as if it were your last week alive - live with passion and integrity - plan for tomorrow, yes - and plan well, but LIVE FULLY FOR TODAY - for the now is all we can ever be truly and completely certain of.

Live well - live smart.


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