I was just speaking to Rigan Machado, and he is very excited about being out here for this years Nationals. I am looking forward to it myself. In years past, it has been a stressful time for myself and my family, mainly because of the fact that it adds a load of work to our already very full schedule. But I have been developing an operations manual over the past few years, and now it;s really just a matter of checking the various tasks off as they are done. So it's work, with arranging the sponsorship packages,trophies, collecting forms, arranging draws, etc - but it has become quite manageable. Much of the thanks of course, goes to the team of people that step up to help on the day. The referees playing a central role in the smooth running of the day - and other crucial helpers like Steve Foulds who has taken it upon himself to pick up and deliver the mats. Now that is a big task - thanks Steve, your efforts are so very much appreciated.
The day after the comp we are running our special seminars at Dominance Academy in Richmond. Rigan will be teaching higher grades between 10am and 12;30pm - and then white belts from 12:30 onwards. this promises to be another exciting and fun day for all. We have some strong teams are coming from Perth and New Zealand. This is a great effort and one we all appreciate. Certainly I do!
Quite a few visitors are staying for several days after, to join in training at my school in Geelong. All the students are looking forward to this. The mat will be excessively packed - but the great comraderie and fun learning atmoshere more than makes up for it.
So see you all there. The countdown is on.
Train well, train safe.