As always, Kon Quek, is the most gracious and generous of hosts. I very much enjoy his company and that of his beautiful fiancée Charmaine (Go Denny!) The mat was full of keen Singaporean BJJ fanatics – I enjoyed myself immensely. There’s nothing ‘not to like’ about Singapore – the locals are among the most friendly people I have ever met – I think they all have a ‘sense of national pride’ chip, installed at birth. The Singaporeans seem always willing to go out of their way to help and assist – they are great people. The food is awesome – best in the world I would have to say; the streets are clean and crime is almost unheard of. The place just WORKS. I love it. The BJJ there is really ramping up here. I really look forward to the day when we see the first Singaporean Black Belt. That goal seems a lot closer now, that since Kon was awarded his purple belt last night. A few of the advanced students headed out to dine and celebrate on the Singaporean rivierra last night – we had an awesome time. This morning, as I sit here at the airport, awaiting my flight to Heathrow (UK), I find myself saddened that I won’t be back here till years end. Thanks Kon for your wonderful and much appreciated hosting – and congrats again you’re your new rank. Well deserved! Train on guys (and gals!) I can’t wait to get back again. Perhaps for another new Years Eve visit.
Paul Collins