Well, the filming for my long-planned MMA curriculum is finally done. Marc Herbert made the 30 hour trip over from South Africa to film it and Dave Meyer came in to assist from LA. The video is in the can, but now the real work begins, with all the editing and the layout of the manuals, etc. It's a huge job but one that I have been envisaging for some years now. I have already had many requests for it from schools throughout Australasia and the USA - my ETA for it's completion is somewhere in June. It will be available from this site - or from AlphaMMA.com - when the site goes live. So thanks to those who have e-mailed me with the requests for the program - I promise, it won't be too long now. I am sure you'll agree the wait will be worth it. Little extra's like class plan summaries for the IPOD are all adding lots of extra production time.
So it's a bit of a rest this morning and then we'll begin work on the editing and manual production this afternoon, heading into the mat for a break at 6pm, before getting back into it this evening. This is the way things get done ... best wishes all,
It sounds like an amazing schedule. I don't know how you do so much and still stay healthy.. what amazing energy levels.
I tend to overdo one area, especially if doing computer based deadlines, to the detriment of another area (like physical exercise, nutrition or relaxation) which then leads to illness.
But after reading much of your blog over the last few years it sounds like you manage to do everything in moderation. Maybe that's the secret.
Best wishes for achieving this goal and keeping healthy as well.
Kind regards