Coventry Lads

I've just woken up early at Coombe Abbey.
The abbey is a 13th century Cistercian Abbey, if I'm not mistaken - complete with dimly lit halls, old stone passage-ways adorned with armor and heraldry - and a moat.
My mate Geoff Thompson is coming soon, and we'll take our usual walk through the surrounding woods before attempting to slip pass the dress-code police and eat breakfast in the conservatory.
Last night I conducted a session for the Coventry boys, headed up by Rich Green. Rich has done a great job in establishing a strong mat of keen BJJ and MMA enthusiasts here in Coventry. His mat is fantastic - the thing is about four inches thick - a treat to roll on. The back third of the mat is boarded by a cage fence - which allows for UFC-style cage training without being too restrictive for normal classes. Good one Rich!
I love the Coventry lads - they are enthustiastic to a fault. I look forward to getting back next year.
Best sign off - just enough time to call home and say hello to melissa and felix before I head out into the morning mists with Geoff.
Later ...
I am one of the Coventry lads. I started BJJ/MMA back in Jan this year with Rich so i am learning the basics at this time which i am totally enjoy. The session last night was (as you would say) awesome, there was a lot to take in but you made a lot of sense and i am looking forward in trying some of the moves out on the mat.
Cheers again Stef