Invasion of the Bulletmen ...

Last night we an another Bulletman (Adrenal Stress Training) course at my school. Fourteen brave and enthusiastic men fronted up for the three hour session. Our three Bulletmen, Cam Rowe, Alex Ucize and John Brown did a fantastic job - in both the woofing and the Bulletman fights. None of the 14 attendees knew quite what to expect - and based on their comments during the debriefing session that followed, I think most were very surprised at the both the format and the results.
My wife Melissa played a superb 'guardian angel' and her constant 'whispering' kept everyone on track through the series of scenarios that were presented. Although the Bulletman battles are a big and very important part of the night, ultimately it was the concept of APPROPRIATE RESPONSE that were were trying to drive home. Having everyone deal with the verbal 'woofs' and, sometimes ridiculous scenarios that the woofers presented was challenging and very interesting. Most of the attendees inquired as to when we will be running another course. Our next one though, probably later this year, will be offered and designed for women only. I can't wait! Another great night ... spent with great company ... a real blast.
Dale Hills