Kiwi Antics

I arrived in New Zealand on friday night and after a nice afternoon snack and great chat with good friend Geoff Aitken, I took a class at his expansive academy in Christchurch. it went really well ... afterward, Geoff, Leonie and I headed out to our usual haunt at Kostas's and had a nice dinner. Eight hours later I was on a plane to Auckland - where I was picked up at the airport by Takapuna legends Warren and Mark. The seminar, hosted by Glenn Tarrant and Mike Fooks, was a load of fun. We did stand-up MMA work for the first 3 hours, had a 20 minute break for lunch and then hit the mat again for a few hours of BJJ. I loved it - and I am pretty sure that everyone else did to .. we did a very technical class - my favourite style of teaching! I had the pleasure of awarding two new blue belts, but here's a pic of me with Inger Craven - mother of two young children, a great blue belt, and one of my favourites (if that is allowed) as she always has a smile on her face. Well done Inger!!
After a good nights rest I headed out first thing on sunday morning to teach for Karl Norton and Steve Cockell. As usual, Mike, Andrew and Travis came along as well to continue with their two day, four session training extravaganza! The session at Karl's was great also, with everyone walking away with loads to work on between now and my next visit n November! After good byes were made, it was off on the two hour drive to Hamilton, where I now sit in a local Starbucks. Yesterday afternoon I ran the session for Phil Beale at his new full-time Dojo. A beautiful place - a great mat (soft - cool!) and a fantastic group. We covered a variety of topics and the three hours slid by more quickly than I would like. Thanks Phil - congratulations on providing your students with such a first-class facility!
Tonight I am off to teach for Steve Wallace at Combined Martial Arts Academy. Steve is a good friend of Phil's - and the fact that they have schools located quite close to each other, they are good friends and more than happy to attend each others seminars - in true and authentic (old school) martial arts spirit! So more fun tonight - before leaving for the four hour drive down to Napier to stay with my friend Shayne Cox tomorrow night. Then it's on to the legendary Geoff Grant's school in Wellington on Wednesday. Am I ever glad I didn't listen to my mum and get a REAL job.
Stay well ...