Pick a Sweep ... any Sweep ...

To understand BJJ, you need to understand the biomechanics, the leverage and the physics of the game. This is not a quick process, and that is why the journey from white to black belt is not a quick one and not for everyone – but it is, most definitely, one worth traveling.
I studied biomechanics and anatomy for a year at university, and although I learned to put names to muscles, bones, etc – I learned very little of applied biomechanics. My understanding of biomechanics came form years of BJJ practice on the mat.
I urge anyone who wants to eventually earn their Black Belt in BJJ, to commit to the development of a deep understanding of how the technical processes work. Begin simply, just pick one move, one finish, or better still, one good sweep; work it until you can count on it. Study it as you go; develop an understanding of which levers you are working, and in what order; begin to unravel the technique, taking it apart until you can re-build it under pressure – or perhaps even find a way to improve it. Eventually, like anything else, when you have undergone this process with one technique, you will find it slightly easier to do with the next … and so on, until the process itself becomes effortless. You need to be able to take something apart and fully understand it before you can consistently improve it. This work is not hard, in fact, it should be exciting and illuminating. Just pick a sweep, any sweep …


Anonymous said…
Good blog Sir, I often find that I am trying to learn a bit of this and a bit of that and do not focus on one this long enough to be able to master it so when I am put under pressure I skip steps or get steps out of order and it doesn't work as well as in the drills or at all sometimes.

Dale Hills
Anonymous said…
Thank you for pointing this out. All we need is to master one technique instead of knowing 1000 and stink at all of them.
Neal Martin said…
Excellent advice for learning any technique or system and made all the better by the fact that it gets easier as you go along. So the whole process becomes less laborious than it sounds.
Georgette said…
I am enjoying your blog! Thanks!
Jai said…
Im going to work with that conveyor belt technique! Love it
Unreal class today and welcome back!

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