Some mat battles are Real ...

In stepping onto the mat each day - we engage in our practice and become stronger and more resilient as a result. But sometimes life and chance throws us a Real fight - just like the one that Haydn Clasby of Auckland (New Zealand) is in right now. Last Saturday, in the last round of training for the year, Haydn suffered a freak injury on the mat - breaking one of the vertebrae in his neck leaving him paralysed from the neck down. At this stage, he is prepping for surgery, during which he will have a plate put in his neck in the hope that his spinal cord may heal. The thoughts of the BJJ community downunder are with Haydn and his family - and we are hoping that the wonderful support that has been thus-far forthcoming will continue to pour in from the wider BJJ community beyond our shores.
Here is a link if you care to make a financial donation to assist Hayd and his family to fight this real fight - no matter how small, any help would be greatly appreciated: MAKE A DONATION
Here is another link to the Haydn Clasby support page on Facebook.
Best wishes everyone - and on behalf of Haydn - thank you for all your wonderful, much appreciated - and needed - support!
I know Haydn will appreciate your support.