Intent on the single step …
He understands that the goal is to be able to run a mile – but he also understands that it no good focussing on that goal, to the exclusion of actually doing the work – one step at a time. By putting the focus on the each step as it presents itself, we eventually find ourselves at the top of the ladder.
I know this from when I am doing my own strenuous physical training. It serves absolutely no purpose to dwell on how hard the last exercise/effort was … nor does it help my ‘form’ or ‘mindset’ if I think about what lies ahead of me … I remain ‘in the moment’ and do the very best I can, right where I am. Eventually, the workout is done! Time will go by, whether we want it to or not – so we need to put our focus on excelling in the present if we want to reap the most out of how we are spending our time. This takes practice and training, just like any other worthwhile skill.
We are all, either improving, staying the same or losing ground … forward is key, but not at the expense of being in the moment.
Really great to see Ronin is doing so well and continuing to work towards full health - one small step at a time.
Love the blog John, such an important point - and one that carries over into every aspect of our lives, not just on the mat, as you so eloquently demonstrate with Ronin's own progress and recovery.
Have a fantastic Christmas - look forward to training with you in the New Year
Take care
Al x