For those who have read my books, you may be familiar with the name 'Ron O'brien' - Ron has been a friend of mine for some 35 years. He accompanied my on many adventures, To Brazil in the late 80's for BJJ training, in Indonesia well before that, In India, Mongolia as well as countless hiking trips into the wilds. Last weekend we went on another hike, this time into the remote regions of the central plateau in Tasmania. The weather started out allright, but by the third day we were three foot deep in snow. The walk out was very hard for him, despite my carrying his load and taking frequent rests. Luckily my friend Craig was there to lend moral support. We made it out, and after good serving of chocolate pudding on the ferry trip back home, Ron seemed to have recovered quite well. As it turned out though, my great friend of three and a half decades and stalwart partner in many an adventure, had taken his last trip. Two days ago, his heart gave out -and after several serious attacks, he passed away late last night. Ron was a man who lived his life on his own terms, he pushed the envelope in every respect - he extracted more juice from life than anyone else I have ever know. He poured wisdom, he exuded love, he was the most truly vital person I have ever met. Always - he was all in! I shall miss him dearly.
RIP Ron.
I am sorry for those he left behind, perhaps you most of all. He was a true friend and companion.
Dick T
Rigan Machado
My deepest condolences to John for his loss.
Geoff A
Condolences John for his family. Sounds like a great man, and more importantly a wonderful friend.
Our hearts and prayers from Seattle.
Mike F
He was a lucky man.