10,000 hours practise

I am very often asked where I learned to teach/coach? University? What books did I read? Etc, etc. I don't know if people quite believe me when I give them my simple answer - but it is in fact, the plain and simple truth - I have taught around 25,000 classes - and I imagine that most people, if they had taught 10,000 classes or more, would have worked out a lot of things about teaching.
there are several things that most (so-called) experts have in common, and one of those things is that have done at least 10,000 hours of focussed practise in their chosen area of expertise. Whether it be 10,000 hours working on fixing cars, 10,000 hours fishing for trout, 10,000 hours studying the stock-market or 10,000 hours teaching the martial arts - this is a very simple key to success and basic expertise. Couple that amount of practise with passion (you probably won't get to the 10,000 hour mark without passion) and desire, and you have yourself a simple but very WINNING formula ... so start your stop-watch and get to it. Time goes by whether we want it to or not - the rest is just about how you spend it. JBW


Matty P said…
Hi John. I've been reading a book "The Fighters Mind" this week by Sam Sheridan. A really good read if you haven't caught it yet. Anyway he also speaks of 10,000 hrs being the key to achieving a high level of expertise. Pretty depressing as currently I only manage to train BJJ/MMA an average of 5 hrs a week so will take me 38 yrs or so to hit this target. Guess I should have started earlier :)
melfel said…
That's because you have an amazing wife that covers pretty much everything else for you to be as extraordinary as you are.
JBW said…
Matty - there are many levcels of expertise - all equally fulfilling. Enjoy the journey - at the end of the day - that's what really matters. JBW
JBW said…
Yikes .. my wife is reading my blogs!
Anonymous said…
Great blog John, the last Line and a half is right on the money, so true. Look forward to seeing you soon.

Bill Gray
Korbett said…
I am going to make sure that my wife does NOT read your blog comments. You are funny Melissa!
Anonymous said…
great article
I've been following the Dan Plan who is putting Gladwell's theory to the test.

Hacker to pro golfer in 10,000 hrs

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