The trip so far ..
My trip thus-far, although hectic, has been great. After spending a day in Los Angeles, I headed to vegas, met up with my friend Dave Meyer and taught at Chuck Norris's annual UFAF convention. On the thursday, I spent time with top thirty or forty instructors, lecturing on coaching models. The reception was very positive - so it looks like a repeat performance will be called for next year. On friday morning, I taught the main group of Black Belts, (see pic) before saying my goodbyes and heading north to Seattle. On Friday night I taught at Andy Wilson's MKG gym - a fun MMA and reality-based self defence class which was hugely attended. Again we all had a blast - and the sign-ups for next year have already started!! On saturday morning I taught at Black Belt student Brian Johnson's school to a packled mat. Afterward, we had a BBQ and social gathering for all of his students, a great day! Then we drove north to Canada with good friend Perry Bateson - had a bite to eat and hit the sack. This morning I am heading to PErry's gym for a bit more fun with good friends before heading back to Seattle this afternoon and then on to San Fransisco this evening. Time to get moving.
best wishes to all,
Im wondering how your diet is when you travel (what do you mainly eat) For that matter what is your diet when your at home. Not to mention any names and in no way is there disrepect, but I used a use a well known fighting families diet,consisting alot of fruit etc. (which is good and made me feel good for awhile) at the same token (I think maybe because of too much fructose) it can sometimes result in severve hunger only like an hour later after ingestion-Your thoughts? Mike