Letting Go ...
A close friend will hurt you … at some time … there’s simply no getting around that. Most reading this post will have no doubt already experienced this … but consider this:
LIFE IS SHORT. OUR TIME ALIVE IS VERY, VERY SHORT. And carrying around the hurt is more toxic than we can perhaps realise. So how to ‘put it down’? This might work for you: remember this, that friend became your friend for a reason (or many reasons) … so think of them in that light. We should allow our friends these ‘indiscretions’ - after all, they are only human … as are we ourselves. It can really help - to remember you friend in a way that puts emphasis on all the ‘nice’ things - even ‘great’ things they have done for us - prior to their ‘indiscretion’. To ‘err’ is human … to forgive divine. And BTW … very now and then it helps to take a look at ourselves to help put things in perspective. JBW