Family ...
My long-time friend David Meyer is visiting from San Francisco this week; great times ahead. Dave and I have shared a lot of wonderful experiences (a lot of tough times as well) … and it was in fact, my privilege to give him his first BJJ lesson when I was a purple belt helping teach for the Machado’s in LA. He came in one stormy night (yep) … the Machado’s couldn’t make class due to local flooding and as I was the highest graded student - I took the class. Dave, already a 4th degree black belt in Danzan Ryu Jiu Jitsu - joined in … we became instant friends and have shared many an adventure since. For many, I am guessing, ‘family’ is all about blood-relations, etc … for me though, it is really about the connections I have made with certain people on life’s journey. I consider David family - in (at least for me) the truest sense of the word. I can rely on him and he on I. A few years back my eldest son was stabbed through the heart and nearly died (several times) - two days after the incident - my doorbell rang - and who was standing there… David. Unannounced - at a moments notice, he had dropped everything and got on a plane. No real surprise - family. - JBW