Motivation is temporary. Habits are what really count. It’s easy to fall off-mission; too easy. Most of use fall off-mission with surprising regularity - we fall off our ‘diet’ - our ‘exercise regime’ - our ‘training regime’ - our ‘savings plan’, etc. We all know this …
So - when we are ‘off routine’ - it can be a good idea to do a ‘hard re-set’; a kick-start of our routine - but how?

For myself, it requires a re-visioning of the ‘track’ I want to be on - and then an application of ‘will’ to step onto and stay on, that track at a chosen moment in time. Hard to do - for me at least - but once on track again, it becomes easier, day-by-day. Within a few days - no extraordinary effort is required. Hard re-sets - are just that … hard. But with practise, they too, like any other skill - can become something we can do … when we need to. JBW


Unknown said…
Awesome stuff - I am following your progress - you have much to share and are an inspiration.
JBW said…
Thank you very much. JBW

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