My five keys ...

Take two people - spending same time on the mat - receiving same coaching - yet they get very different outcomes. On the mat - so too in life. 

I think there are five great keys that go to underpinning great outcomes - again, both on the mat and in life. Here they are:

Industriousness: this would be the keystone, in my view. Some people get way, way more done in a given amount of time, than others. A super-key to achieving stuff.

Attention to Detail: Very important if you want to excel; if you want to go beyond the ordinary. This is a real game-changer. Good enough to get by - is the philosophy of the those who embrace mediocrity. 

Disagreeableness: A little disagreeableness is how new things are discovered. Challenging the status quo is how all discoveries begin. Adhering to traditional thinking patterns condemns us to the same ol’ same ol’.

Intelligence: The possession of above-average intelligence helps a lot with problem-solving, organisation, etc. This can super-charge success - but only if we are industrious. I also know some very smart people, who get nothing done!

Passion: This is like fuel to a fire. it keeps us going; it keeps us in the game long enough, to learn the things we need to learn, to make real progress. 

I hope some of my readers take these keys to heart - I offer them up out of a genuine desire to see others extract the most joy and fulfilment from life, that is humanly possible. Authentic living …. is joyful living. - JBW


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