Importance of establishing ‘mindset’ in students …
The following kind of thinking sets people up not only for sub-standard outcomes, but for failure - and not only failure in then present but failure at a time in the future when the very skill we are trying to impart, is most needed:
- This I something I don’t like but need to do
- This makes me feel inadequate
- I don’t really, really need this
- This is an obstacle between me and the thing I want
- This is difficult
- This scares me
The alternative thinking will see extraordinarily different outcomes …. EXTRAORDINARILY different!
- This looks awesome, I might like this
- I am feeling totally up for this
- I need this, I really need it
- This is a step that will take me closer to the thing I want
- This looks easy
- This excites me
It is imperative that trainer/teacher instills the right kind of mindset in his or her students. Mindset and perspective dramatically impacts learning outcomes. I have seen so many instructors, with adequate of even good content to deliver - fail miserably because of they failed to attend to this, most important, of class-room fundamentals.